Our History

AUB Group first opened for business in 1985, initially operating under the company name of Austbrokers Holdings Limited.

Since our public listing in 2005, the first general insurance broking network to be listed on the ASX, AUB Group has seen profit growth for 14 consecutive years. Currently, our breadth represents more than 74 partner businesses in over 570 globally.

1985: Commenced operations as Austbrokers Holdings with four locations, one business partner
1995: 33 business partners, $13 million in business investments
2005: Commenced listing on the ASX with 80 locations, 34 business partners, $66 million in investments and $100 million market capital
2015: Name change to AUB Group with over 310 locations, 75 business partners, $341 million in business investments and $550 million market capital
Today: 570 locations, 79 business partners, and $3.97+ billion market capital


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